CRD DOGGS New Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our society. Please follow the two steps below.
STEP ONE : First click on the “Purchase New Membership” button below to bring up a membership form to complete.
STEP TWO : Once you have completed the form and clicked the button at the bottom, you will be taken to the checkout page to pay for your order.
We will ask if you agree with the CRD DOGGS Values and the Code of Responsibility for Off Leash Dogs (see below for details).
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our society. Please follow the two steps below.
STEP ONE : First click on the “Purchase New Membership” button below to bring up a membership form to complete.
STEP TWO : Once you have completed the form and clicked the button at the bottom, you will be taken to the checkout page to pay for your order.
We will ask if you agree with the CRD DOGGS Values and the Code of Responsibility for Off Leash Dogs (see below for details).
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our society. Please follow the two steps below.
STEP ONE : First click on the “Purchase New Membership” button below to bring up a membership form to complete.
STEP TWO : Once you have completed the form and clicked the button at the bottom, you will be taken to the checkout page to pay for your order.
We will ask if you agree with the CRD DOGGS Values and the Code of Responsibility for Off Leash Dogs (see below for details).
1. We must be willing to compromise and collaborate to create workable and sustainable solutions.
2. We support the need for off leash freedom for dogs while also recognizing that some members of our community are not comfortable around dogs that are off leash.
3. Our dogs are members of our families and we hold ourselves to a high standard in providing their care and ensuring their well-being.
4. Off-leash freedom and the opportunity to be in nature is critical for many dogs’ health and wellbeing.
5. Well exercised dogs are calmer, better behaved, better socialized and easier to manage; for many dogs this requires off-leash freedom.
6. Dog owners have full responsibility to ensure the appropriate and safe behaviour of their dogs, whether on or off-leash.
7. Having the opportunity to be in nature and engage in physical activity are key values of the community, contributing to our mental health and wellbeing.
8. We hold our elected officials to a high standard in their actions and decisions and expect that they will uphold the principals of democracy, act with transparency and in good faith when making decisions that affect their constituents and our non-voting family members. We expect their decisions will:
a. be based on valid, professional research and evidence
b. involve collaboration and cooperation,
c. involve genuine public consultation and be responsive to the public’s concerns, suggestions, and requests,
d. be transparent,
e. be cost effective, and
f. be community supported.
9. We expect municipal decisions will reflect the needs and priorities of a wide variety of citizens including:
a. dog owners who want to encounter dogs as they walk or hike,
b. those who want to encounter only dogs on leash,
c. those who do not want to encounter dogs,
d. seniors,
e. families,
f. persons with disabilities,
g. those needing walking poles, walkers or other supports to walk or hike,
h. Indigenous citizens and communities, and those whose priority is environmental protection of natural spaces.
10. Good decisions are based on good and valid evidence, not personal perceptions or agendas or anecdotal evidence.
11. Problems serious enough that they need to be resolved using taxpayer funds, must be demonstrated through evidence-based research.
12. Environmentally or culturally sensitive areas that have been defined and/or validated by acknowledged and accredited experts should be protected.
For members who are currently dog owners:
Code of Responsibility
for off-leash Dogs and their Guardians
1. Check to be sure the park or trail you are on is designated off-leash.
2. Be respectful and courteous to other park users.
3. Owners are responsible for their dogs’ behaviour.
4. Dogs must be under your effective control which means:
a. You can see your dog.
b. Your dog returns to you when you call.
c. Your dog does not approach people or other dogs without permission.
5. Please keep yourself and your dog on established trails and avoid environmentally sensitive areas, especially where they are designated off-limits.
6. If you are asked to leash your dog by another park user, do so.
7. If you see a dog approaching on leash ask if you need to leash your dog.
8. If you see someone without a dog ask if you need to leash your dog.
9. Dangerous or aggressive dogs must never be off-leash in parks.
10. Be aware of the designated environmentally significant or sensitive areas and keep your dog on the trail around them (for example roped or fenced areas).
11. Do not let your dog dig in parks or environmentally sensitive areas.
12. Pick up after your pet and carry the bag until you can deposit it in a garbage container.