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Launch of the “Who’s A Good Dog” Series by CRD DOGGS

Pickleball Courts at Fowler Park in Saanich

On Janaury 8th, Saanich approved the concept for Fowler park which, if funding is found, will re develop the space, add a play area, ike parking, benches a pathway and tree and vegiation planting as well as move the Pickleball courts fromMcMinn and Tolmie Parks and add a tennis court.  The Park plan is a good one and the addition of pickleball amd tennis courts is important to the community. Sadly, however again Saanich chose to ignore a balanced and fair approach to this – the declined to identify an alternative open space to compensate for the lost hectare or so of space from the new amenities that will be added to Fowler Park. Parks staff only acknowledged the loss of space from the courts (about .25 of a hectare) but not of the rest of the space that will be taken up by the other amenities, plantings and parking which together adds up to around 3/4 of the existing open space. The juxtopositon with the actions of North Saanich is quite stark.

On January 15th North Saanich Council accepted a staff recommendation to step back from the Cy Hampson changes - the proposed addition of 4 Pickleball courts - and to work across the region to develop an overall Pickleball Strategy.  They said their decision was as a result of the substantial feedback they received from their community, including many dog owners. The Mayor, speaking on CBC the next day, said that it was essential to listen to the community.  We want to offer gratitude to the community members who wrote and managed the petition.  It is wonderful to see elected officials and municipal staff listening and reflecting on the concerns and needs of their citizens.  We will keep an ear to the ground as North Saanich moves forward in creating the overall strategy.

Cy Hampson Pickleball Courts in North Saanich

Times Colonist story here

Central Saanich Parks and Trails Master Plan update

Bits and Barks

CRD DOGG Society launches "Who's a Good Dog" Series

VICTORIA – The CRD DOGG Society (CRDOGGS) is launching a series of videos on good dog ownership to help educate the public on proper etiquette while on trails, beaches and parks. 

“The society was launched last year, and we are excited to be providing some support to educate dog owners about responsible dog ownership,” said Eulala Mills, President of CRD DOGGS. “Of course, our main objectives has always been to preserve off leash spaces in Greater Victoria and we continue to do this but not without reminding everyone that being kind and being responsible goes hand in hand.” 

Local dog professional Zoe Anderson, also a member of the CRDDOGGS board, has produced a series of videos to help dog owners. Anderson has been working as a professional with dogs for over ten years. 

“I’m proud of the work we’ve done with CRDOGGS. This series helps engage the public in a simple way to understand various scenarios we all encounter with our dogs. Communication on the trails and having your dog under control is key,” said Anderson. “We know that many people turned to adopting dogs during Covid as a way to cope with isolation. It has been incredibly challenging for everyone to find space now to include daily exercise regimes for these dogs. This is an opportunity to provide some tools to new owners and those needing guidance when it comes to sharing space.” 

CRD DOGGS was formed last August after thousands of dog owners were left in shock by Saanich’s abrupt decision to significantly reduce the amount of off-leash spaces for dogs. This despite dog owners coming forward in every related council meeting and through hundreds of letters to offer suggestions and concerns about the upcoming changes. 

CRD DOGGS’ mission is to continue to advocate for off-leash spaces for dogs in the Capital Regional District, support responsible dog ownership and park management, and ensure good governance best practices are the basis for decisions and policy development.   

This last year, CRD DOGGS members organized park clean-ups at PKOLS and recently did an ocean clean-up day at Island View Beach.  

To become a member visit 


CRD DOGG Society joined Central Saanich municipal staff in November to assist and provide input into their development of a comprehensive Parks and Trails Master Plan. They are moving in the right direction and have created several non-biased online questionnaires for the public In their own words, “Engagement will be inclusive and include both in-person and virtual opportunities, as well as meetings with community groups and impacted parties, including engagement with youth, First Nations communities, and under-represented groups.” More info here.

Did you know? 

One of the #1 stories for Victoria and area according to CFAX (Adam Stirling) was the PPP in Saanich. He described it as an example of  "a crisis of accountability" across multiple municipalities. See the clip here.

Eulala Mills, President was on CFAX Thursday, January 18th - listen here for the clip.