The CRD Dog Owners and friends for Good Governance Society was formed in August 2023.

Who We Are

The beginning and how it all started

It started in 2021 with former Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes putting forward a motion to ban off leash dogs in several large parks. It was initiated without any research or input from the public. Nevertheless, the community rallied against the idea and the motion was cancelled. Step one of many was completed. A strategy in 2021 from Saanich was initiated by Councillor Zac DeVries titled the People, Pets and Parks Strategy (PPP). The community once again galvanized and Happy Dogs in Saanich Parks Facebook Group was formed. Consultants were hired by Saanich at a cost of $200K to engage with the community and come up with solutions to balance dogs in parks with the needs of all community members. Fast forward to June 2023 when the strategy was presented to Saanich Council but despite overwhelming outrage by its citizens, council voted unanimously to push the strategy forward. The strategy was proposed to eliminate over 90% of off leash space in PKOLS (Mount Doug Park), eliminate all Saanich beaches and eliminate 84% of all off leash spaces throughout the municipality. Over the summer months, key members of the community decided to formalize a dedicated group of professionals who formed the CRD DOGGS. It’s not just about the dogs any more, it’s also about good governance in any policy decisions.

Become a member and help us ensure our local governments follow the rules and expectations for proper community consultations, engagement and decision making. Your Saanich and CRD needs you!

We are dog owners and many other community members on South Vancouver Island who work together to enhance community engagement and collaboration.  We advocate for good governance and strong democratic principles in government decision making.  We support and work to maintain and create reasonable and community supported off leash, on leash and dog free parks and public spaces along with the identification and protection of culturally important as well as ecologically rare and sensitive natural spaces.

The 2024-2025 Board for CRD DOGG SOCIETY

Society Values

Our Purpose:

1.      to support exercise activities for dogs in the Capital Regional District, particularly off leash activities, while recognizing environmental and community interests including that some members of our community are not comfortable around dogs;

2.      to promote education for dog owners and the wider community, focusing on park users in the Capital Regional District, on responsible dog behaviours particularly while off leash; and

3.      to encourage municipal and regional governments in the Capital Regional District to make decisions reflecting the expectations of residents by engaging in meaningful community consultation and collaboration and adhering to principles of good governance.

Our mission is to continue our push to maintain off leash spaces for dogs in the Capital Regional District, support responsible dog ownership and park management and ensure good governance decision-making is the basis for policy making.


1.     We support the need for off leash freedom for dogs while also recognizing that some members of our community are not comfortable around dogs that are off leash.

2.     Our dogs are members of our families and we hold ourselves to a high standard in providing their care and ensuring their well-being.

3.      Off-leash opportunities are critical for many dogs’ health and wellbeing.

4.     Well exercised dogs are calmer, better behaved, better socialized and easier to manage, for many dogs this requires off-leash freedom.

5.     Dog owners have full responsibility to ensure the appropriate and safe behaviour of their dogs, whether on or off-leash.

6.     Having the opportunity to be in nature and engage in physical activity are key values of the greater Saanich community, contributing to community members’ mental health and wellbeing.

7.     We hold our elected officials to a high standard in their actions and decisions and expect that they will uphold the principles of democracy, act with transparency and in good faith when making decisions that affect their constituents and our non-voting family members.  We expect their decisions will meet the following criterion:

·       Valid and professional research and evidence

·       Collaboration and cooperation

·       True public consultation and demonstrated response to the public’s concerns and critiques

·       Transparent

·       Cost effective

·       Community Supported

8.     We expect municipal decisions will reflect the needs and priorities of a wide variety of citizens including:

a.     dog owners and those who want to encounter dogs as they walk or hike

b.     those who want to encounter only dogs on leash

c.     those who do not want to encounter dogs

d.     seniors

e.     families

f.      persons with disabilities

g.     those needing supports to walk or hike

h.     indigenous citizens and communities

i.       those whose priority is environmental protection of natural spaces.

9.     Good decisions are based on good and valid evidence, not personal perceptions or agendas.  Anecdote has no place in decisions that affect the whole community.

10.  Problems serious enough that they need to be resolved using taxpayer funds must be demonstrated through evidence based research.

11.  We all need to compromise and collaborate to create workable and sustainable solutions.

12.  Environmentally or culturally sensitive areas that have been defined and/or validated by acknowledged and accredited experts should be protected.